Online store builders


If you have created your online store using Upgates, follow the instructions below. If you have not yet created it but would like to do so, simply sign up here. After you sign up, you get 30 days to try it out for free. After you purchase the paid plan, follow the instructions below or see the instructions displayed on the Upgates website here.

Log into ThePay and switch to the Integration tab. If you see this, that is, practically nothing, you do not yet have any users with active access assigned to your business profile. You should first follow the steps shown here. If you wonder why you do not see anything here, then know that it is purely for security reasons. Only users with active access can access the Integration tab and you are the only one determining which users should be assigned active access.

If you can see any information displayed in the Integration tab, that is exactly what you need: project ID, merchant ID, and password. You should first generate the password, by clicking Generate new password.

Go to the Upgates profile, click Settings, Orders, Payment, ThePay, Specifications and enter the project ID, merchant ID and password.

Voila! Everything should now be working correctly. If not, contact the Upgates IT support centre for help.

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