
Payments (overview, filters, details, chargeback)

Information about all payments made by your customers through the payment gateway can be found in the Payments tab. Here, you can view or filter the payments by various categories and parameters, or charge them back to your customers.

Terms and definitions

The unique payment identifier.

The amount of payment made by your customer through the payment gateway.

The payment method selected by your customer (card payment, easy bank transfer).

The payment status: paid, pending payment, pending authorisation, chargeback, partial chargeback, pre-authorised, pre-authorisation cancelled, pre-authorisation expired, expired card. The payment status displayed is the current status of the payment. Where the customer makes the payment, the payment status will change automatically to Paid. Where the customer cancels the purchase contract and claims chargeback, the status will eventually change to Chargeback or Partial chargeback.

The time and date the payment was created.

Oh yeah! The item or service has been paid for and can be delivered.

Order ID
If you pass us this information via the API, you will see here also the order ID which makes it easier for you to identify the payment and associate it with your customer.

You can filter payments using all these parameters. You can filter payments, for instance, by their status to view all paid or pending payments. There are several options for you to choose from. We are sure you will find everything you need.

Payment details

Here, you can find a complete set of information related to the payment and the payment history.


To refund a customer payment (or part thereof), click Detail and then Chargeback. Specify the amount of chargeback and reason and enter your password to confirm. Where the payment was made with a payment card, the chargeback is handled by the acquirer and can last up to several days, with us having no control over it. Where the customer made the payment using a different payment method, the chargeback is cleared through our bank account and the customer receives the money depending on the payment processing times of the respective banks.


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feel free to reach out to us and we will look for a solution.

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