Custom build

Custom build

The payment gateway is not difficult to integrate. However, if you run a custom online store developed by a third party, you will need to contact the IT support team for help. Our step-by-step guide and deployment package make it easy for any experienced developer, programmer, IT guru (or whatever you call them) to integrate the payment gateway seamlessly and hassle-free. Everything is described in the integration guide that can serve as a handy reference for anyone integrating the payment gateway.

Here, you can find the HTTP API and WS API documentation, and the PHP deployment package. If you run an online store on PHP 7.2 (and higher), use the deployment package.

The information is updated on a regular basis, and the available information is always the latest version. Do not worry if you do not understand it – your IT support team will definitely know what to do with it. Should you need any support during the integration process, contact us at

Once the payment gateway is integrated and set up, remember there are still some more steps to be completed for which you will need to know the project ID, merchant ID, password and server IP address. For more information about where to find these details, click here.

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