Secure payments

Secure payments

When your customer makes a payment, the customer is authenticated and the payment is authorised by the payment service provider (relevant bank or card issuer). The identity of your customer is not disclosed to us. We act as an integrator between the payment system and you (web project/online store operator). The secure and smooth operation of payment systems is ensured by a number of additional participants involved in the system. In the case of card schemes, these include acquirers, clearing centres, etc. In exceptional circumstances, fraudulent transactions may occur, such as when someone makes a payment with a stolen payment card; upon discovering the loss, the person whose funds were used is likely to dispute the payment (initiate a chargeback) with their bank and claim a refund.

Strong customer authentication

You may have noticed that, as of 1 January 2021, there have been changes to how online payments are authenticated. Strong customer authentication (SCA) is designed to reduce the risk of fraud where an authenticator, such as a password, is phished or where a payment card is stolen. Each payment solution provider implements the requirement slightly differently, with some of them currently requiring that an online payment (whether made with a payment card or in the form of an easy bank transfer) is approved in a mobile app. Besides passcodes texted to a mobile phone, some providers may require entering passwords or ePINs or using biometric authentication. Strong authentication is also used to access the online banking account or authorise certain changes in the settings, etc.

Being subject to that requirement, we may require you, from time to time, to also enter your password along with the passcode texted to your phone in order to verify your identity. We will try to bother you as little as possible and utilise any exemption made available to us by law.

Card payments

We use 3D Secure to authenticate card holders and payments through card issuers. Card issuers supporting 3D Secure 2.0 (currently all card issuers within the EEA) have the option of triggering 3D Secure when interacting with acquirers. Acquirers have in place fraud control and risk management tools to monitor transactions and identify fraudulent transactions. We, as well, monitor the transactions, through our internal systems.

Easy bank transfers

Easy bank transfers are a convenient way for customers to make payments straight from their bank accounts. Customers are redirected to their online banking platform where they are provided with a pre-populated form they can use to make their payment fast. Customers are authenticated by their bank.

Read also:

Systems security
Czech Payments Act No. 370/2017 Sb.

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